Saturday, February 9, 2019

Examine Miller’s presentation of John Proctor :: English Literature

Examine Millers presentation of deception admonisher and the mess which lead to his choosing to be executed.Although the events of the put to work are based on events that took locating inSalem, Massachusetts in 1692, Miller was liberal in hisfictionalisation.For example, the familiarity between farmer, husband, and father JohnProctor, and the Ministers teenage niece, Abigail Williams, adoptmany of the accusations of witchcraft in the play in fact at thetime of the Witch Trials, Williams would only have been around elevenand Proctor would have been in his sixties. The play, written in 1953,was in response to Senator McCarthy and the family business enterprise Un-AmericanActivities Committees crusade against supposed communistsympathisers, in which Miller became embroiled. When he testified infront of a congressional committee in 1956 he ref utilize to reveal anynames and so was held in contempt. The decision was overturn twoyears later.One of Millers most powerful devices in the play is his use of ironydramatic, verbal, and situational irony.Verbal irony is a figure of wrangle in which the speaker intends to beunderstood as meaning something that contrasts with the literal orusual meaning of what he says. One example of this is when JohnProctor says Good. Then her saintliness is done with, mentioningAbigail. However, Proctor does not actually consider that Abigail is asaint. The affair makes her a sinner, because he is married toElizabeth. However, he says this line because the rest of the town,and most importantly, the courts believe that she is believable andtruthful. In effect, he tries to bring over the court and the people ofher unsaintliness, by bringing to their attention her sins, but tono avail this is one of the most important circumstances which leadto his choosing to be executed. Another example has Proctor tellinghis wife Its pass in here yet. However, it is actually spring, asin the same talk he asks her to go walking in the field with himso that they may pick flowers and bring them into their inhabitation. Proctorreally means to tell his wife that their home is cold, that there isno sign of love. He believes that when his wife fills the home withwarmth and love, he is forgiven for his sin of lechery, and only thencan he continue normally with his life. By using this type of irony,Millers characters indirectly bring something to our attention, whichcould not otherwise be done.Situational irony is a discrepancy between what we expect and whatoccurs. This is the second type of irony used in the play.

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